Honor the special qualities of this season, bring new awareness to your life, and benefit from the mysterious possibilities of this darkest night of the year.
In this ancient ceremony in the Nahua ("Aztec") tradition, we call on the deep, alive creative force behind the flow of Time and Change to help us let go of what no longer serves us and open to receive the benefits from what is coming. In this precious moment, a doorway swings wide, and, with the help of these ancient rites, our human longings and requests can be heard by the living world that both created us and supports us throughout our existence.
The ceremonies and life-ways of this lineage, based in the Central Highlands of Mexico, are now brought forward throughout the lands by initiated traditional weather workers who hold the responsibility of honoring and renewing our relationship with the natural cycles in these lands where we live.
Hosted by Sacred Fire Asheville, this gathering takes place around a consecrated fire in the Sacred Fire Council House. It is led by quiatlzques weather worker and tepahtiani healer Erin Everett, one of the Asheville weather workers in the living, unbroken tradition of don Lucio Campos Elizalde of Morelos, Mexico.
This ceremony is one embodiment of a prophecy that ceremonies like this one will be brought forward by our Nahua tradition to re-enliven human beings and our communities, renewing our relationship with Cycles, Weather, Healing and Sacred Time.
This traditional ceremony was employed by many generations of very practical native people because it works to align human beings with the sacred cycles.
There will be online registration for this event and a limited number of seats. To pre-register, email the name, phone and email address of each person attending to healers@ashevilleweatherworkers.org
This is a free event. Donations are requested, which support Sacred Fire Asheville and the Asheville-area Nahua-tradition weather workers.
The Aztec Sunstone: an expression of Nahua sacred time