Upcoming Events and Ceremonies

Traditional Weather Harvest Ceremony
Let's join together and honor the living world for the gifts that fill our lives every day. This is our chance to celebrate the Rain, Sun, Clouds, Wind, and Lightning, the Rivers and Mountains and Streams — all of those myriad expressions of our beautiful, alive world that nourish us human people with bountiful fruits, veggies, flowers, healthy animals and trees and surround us with all good things. We are so blessed. You're invited to join us to give back and give thanks.
To donate in support of your local weather workers and the Sacred Fire Council House, venue for our festival, please PayPal to awhaynes@bellsouth.net
There will be a waiting list for this event. If you register and then need to cancel later, please follow the instructions provided in the email you'll receive after your registration to cancel your ticket and allow others to attend.
Learn more about our tradition in this short video:

Weather Work Healers Share Weather Wisdom & Healing from a Sacred Prophecy (Zoom)
The time-tested ways of an ancient tradition from Central Mexico provide transformation, wisdom, and guidance to address issues of extreme weather.
Healers in this tradition can help illness, trauma healing, and stuck ancestral patterns, so that you can recover and reconnect to your purpose, joy and inspiration.
Adam Laufer, Erin Everett and Monika Ghent are are weather workers, ceremonial leaders, and tepahtiani healers in an ancient Nahua lineage from Mexico. In this event, they share their healing tradition, and they introduce the network of tepahtiani healers serving the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Tepahtiani healing is an ancient traditional way of helping people come into balance. Equally effective for physical, mental, and spiritual ailments, healing sessions can provide spiritual cleansing and blessing, practical perspective and deep healing for each individual and their unique expression.
At this Zoom 1-hour workshop, you will...
Hear a sacred story of this weather work tradition and a prophecy about these times.
Explore ways this profound ancient medicine can help you.
Ask your questions.
Who are the event leaders?
Adam Laufer, Jody Wallace, Erin Everett and Monika Ghent are weather workers and healers in an ancient tradition of the Americas. They and their colleagues offer sessions, help and supportive life guidance throughout the USA, Canada and in Mexico.

Ancient Ways to Care for People and the Sacred: Learn about the Nahua Weather Work Tradition
For people who care about the weather and who have concerns about weather extremes:
For people with everything from physical diseases like cancer to emotional effects like depression and despair, and for those generally being shaken up by the rapid changes and upheavals in these times and longing for purpose, meaning, focus and healing:
Ancient, everlasting human ways offer potent responses to the imbalances we’re experiencing.
Adam Laufer and Erin Everett are weather workers, ceremonial leaders, and tepahtiani healers in their ancient Nahua lineage from the Central Highlands of Mexico.
Although they have not been reared in and lived their whole lives within a native village, they have been recognized and initiated by their elder, one of those original people.
Forgiveness, reciprocation, and the mysterious ways of Divine forces open up these ancient paths to people of today, so that we may find our way to what is fundamental about being human and what is necessary to, once again, live good and fulfilling human lives that benefit our families and society...and build beneficial futures for all people.
In addition to discussing weather, weather extremes, and traditional healing, they will also speak about the spiritual house and land clearing, blessing and protection that they offer. They will share about their network of elders and colleagues across the USA and in Mexico and Canada.
Learn about "life as movement" and how the wisdom of this ancient tradition from Central Mexico can help you walk the Good Path in your life, so that you can recover, stabilize, and reconnect to your purpose, joy and inspiration. Also, learn about the sacred medicine of fire and how to apply fire's healing blessings to your own life, as well as a local Asheville hub, part of an international network of fire medicine with monthly fire circle events for you to enjoy with your family and friends.
At this event, you will hear a sacred story and learn about weather work, traditional healing and the medicine of fire.
Plus, you can opt to stay for a shared potluck meal at 6:30, followed by a social fire circle gathering.
Traditional Nahua Summer Solstice Ceremony
This ancient ceremony has been passed on through countless generations because it works to align human beings with the sacred cycles.
The change in the Sun's direction holds a strong potential for awareness, receptivity and activation. On this night, a potent doorway opens for just a short window of time. This is the most auspicious time to receive guidance from these final, potent moments of lengthening Summer days before the shorter nights shift toward the return of darkness.
This authentic Nahua Ceremony, open to the public, helps us connect to powerful seasonal influences that promote balance and health in our lives. The ceremony helps us feel the dynamically moving and changing world. Humility, sacrifice and learning provide an opportunity for us to deepen our relationship with the living natural world.
7:30 - 8:00 pm - Arrival
8:00 pm - Everyone seated, doors closed
Ceremony may come to completion around midnight. It's important for everyone to commit to stay for the entire ceremony, until the end.
Online registration is required, via EventBrite.
Seating is limited to 35 people -- first come, first served. PLEASE add your name to the waiting list as we'll likely be able to release additional seats.
Donations are gratefully accepted - suggestion $20-40.
Cancellations -- Out of respect for others, please cancel your reservation if you are unable to attend. This allows someone on the waiting list to attend.
Feel free to invite others. We hope you'll join us.
Patrick Hanaway - Firekeeper @ Sacred Fire Asheville - (828) 713-1553. Contact Patrick if you have to cancel on the day of the ceremony.
Erin Everett - Quiapaquiz [Nahua Weather Worker] - (828) 214-9355. Contact Erin if you have ceremonial questions.
Hosted by Sacred Fire Asheville, you have an opportunity to participate in this ancient ritual led by ceremonial leader Erin Everett, a traditional weather worker and healer initiated in 2003 by don Lucio Campos de Elizalde, a Nahua elder and master weather worker from Morelos, Mexico.
Engaging the sacred fire in the presence of others is one of humanity’s oldest traditions, where people from all walks of life, religions, and traditions are welcome. This ancient ceremony has been passed on through countless generations because it works to align human beings with the sacred cycles of the living natural world.
COST: This is a free event. Donations are requested. Suggested donation of $20 - $40 can be made onsite [in the 'fire gourd'] or via Paypal, to support the ceremonial leaders and Sacred Fire Asheville. Thank you❣️
DIRECTIONS: Driving and parking directions will be sent to you after you register.
CANCELLATIONS: There is limited seating and a waiting list. If you need to cancel for any reason, please do so ASAP via Eventbrite or contact Patrick via text (828-713-1553). This will help people on the waiting list have an opportunity to participate.
WHAT IS IT LIKE? To give you an idea of the depth and opportunity to support your life by attending this Ceremony, we share some experiences from others.
“It was a very powerful evening of sharing and community. I was still buzzing the next day. Received a lot of insight and gifts.“
“I experienced connection with spirit.”
“My big takeaway was to see and experience sacred wisdom from the directions as catalysts for personal change. They reassure us that we are not all alone, that nature is a part of us. I hear that all the time and regularly spend time in the outdoors, but never before understood this untapped potential of nature to enrich our lives. That insight was invisible to me before last night.”

Traditional Winter Solstice Ceremony
Honor the special qualities of this season, bring new awareness to your life, and benefit from the brilliant opportunities of this longest day and shortest night of the year.
In this ancient ceremony in the Nahua tradition, we call on the deep, alive creative force behind the flow of Time and Change to help us let go of what no longer serves us and open to receive the benefits from what is coming. In this precious moment, a doorway opens, and, with the help of these ancient rites, our human longings and requests can be heard by the living world that both created us and supports us throughout our lives.

Traditional Weather Work Harvest Festival Ceremony
What beautiful weather we're having!
Let's join together and honor the living world for the gifts that fill our lives every day. This is our chance to celebrate the Rain, Sun, Clouds, Wind, and Lightning, the Rivers and Mountains and Streams — all of those myriad expressions of our beautiful, alive world that nourish us human people with bountiful fruits, veggies, flowers, healthy animals and trees and surround us with all good things. We are so blessed.

Traditional Nahua Summer Solstice Ceremony
Honor the special qualities of this season, bring new awareness to your life, and benefit from the brilliant possibilities of this longest day of the year. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!

A Life of Movement: Learn about Traditional Nahua Healing
Find your center as we explore timeless perspectives on living a life of balance with husband-and-wife healers Adam and Erin. Learn more about the healing passed down through the centuries by the ancestors of their spiritual lineage, based in the Central Highlands of Mexico. Adam and Erin are tradition-holders in an ancient line of healers called by Weather to bring balance in troubled times.
This event takes place at a mountain home in Weaverville NC. It will include a potluck and teaching fire circle.
Register now. Space is limited.

Traditional Winter Solstice Ceremony: Deepen into the Natural Cycles of Sacred Time
Honor the special qualities of this season, bring new awareness to your life, and benefit from the mysterious possibilities of this darkest night of the year.
In this ancient ceremony in the Nahua ("Aztec") tradition, we call on the deep, alive creative force behind the flow of Time and Change to help us let go of what no longer serves us and open to receive the benefits from what is coming. In this precious moment, a doorway opens, and, with the help of these ancient rites, our human longings and requests can be heard by the living world that both created us and supports us throughout our existence.

Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) Ceremony: Honor Your Ancestors in a Traditional Way
Honoring the ancestors and receiving their wisdom has proven beneficial for human beings throughout time and generations. At this celebration, rooted in the Nahua tradition, you are invited to make a place setting on our communal altar for your deceased relatives as you would for an honored dinner guest. SEE PROTOCOL (which you will receive upon registration) for details.
After the altar is complete, we will gather for a specialty fire in the Council House. We will explore what we’re learning from our ancestors and the wisdom they have earned.
All are welcome to register for this specialty fire whether or not you choose to create a place setting on the altar.
We look forward to an evening of honoring those who have walked before us.
Seating limited to 35 people. Chairs provided.
Registration required. Register now on Eventbrite.